Rafael Izuzquiza What a strange sensation this one, of permanent orphanhood children in Marooco mirar, ser mirado. Londres / Look, be looked at. London animales y palabras / animals and words Behind some eyes there are nothing but optic nerves. Behind an act you find the look. programación propia / own programming nuestros hermanos / brothers of us Nothing has value if it is not for someone. saltar / jump espantabarcos / scareships sabio / wise fragilidad / fragility bauuuuuuuuuuu el picor / itching la mirada del reo... / the look of the prisoner... la belleza There are no heroes, no parents, no rewards... ¿quién muerde de los dos? / Who bites of the two? narcisismo innecesario / unnecessary narcissism te protegen... / they protect you... lo q subyace / what underlies Myanmar India el alma limpia / the clean soul fishermen in India Observar al que observa / Observe the observer Everything, everything is sacred but we are not able to appreciate it ... y decirlo todo sin palabra / ... and say it all without a word el lenguaje de la música y el silencio / the language of music and silence In my solitude I have seen very clear things that are not true (Antonio Machado, writer). the earth Le llaman depresión, y no, pobreza, exclusión, despreciado, ignorado, vejado, humillado, absolutamente incomprendido... / They call it depression, and no, poverty, exclusion, despised, ignored, humiliated, absolutely misunderstood... la ciudad y yo / the city and I y ya me he ido... / and I'm gone already ENJOY the GIRL Soman quién fuera ellos! / who were they! dame algo de amor... of malefactor politicians. (Where are the others, my friend?). Whoever does not understand a glance, will not understand a long explanation either. tu mirada inalcanzable / your unreachable gaze el sueño perro y el ave despierta / The dream dog and the bird awakens allí / there así es, amigos. / That´s it, folks Zahora no hay palabras / there are no words India tallest than the... understanding that cannot be understood toda la vida esperándole / all life waiting for him They rob you and rob you, and they keep stealing from you... Saber donde están las cosas. Para qué? / Know where things are. For what? la auténtica propiedad privada / the authentic private property I am the cart man who passes by you every day. I am the blind man with a beard leaning on his Labrador dog. I am the ugly prostitute who is no longer 20 years old, precisely. I am the one who rings the bells to mourn. And, if you don't understand, I am your shadow stained with urine, whose smell does not leave you. The pore of your body damaged by the beautiful rose bush of the stone path. That intimate part I am, the whole part of the sun. That's me, buddy. The same as yourself, brother. We are an overrated specie. Do you wanna dance with me? childhood las relaciones humanas / human relationships extraños para nosotros / stranges to us woman pero vas tirando... / but you're pulling... tiempo / time Con los pies en el suelo. O casi. / With your feet on the ground. Or almost. raspberry flavor Gasconia Blanca, where have you put my knife?, don't play with me, eh! ellos / friends I surround myself with beauty as a, useless, remedy against my ignorance. Lavapiés todo será bieninterpretar la perspectiva / everything will be fineinterpret the perspective ... hemos convertido la existencia en un mercadillo sin fin / we have turned existence into an endless market nudos y preguntas / knots and questions dale / go ahead The people that nature has given them the most gifts must be the most humble. tan sólo observarte / just watch you "it´s all in the game" overflow When there are so many social differences, what is respect? That respect that we so solemnly base our arguments, "so important". Tell me: What is respect when there is not the slightest social justice? uno no puede ocultar su mirada... / one can´t hide his glance... I dream of stones and mountains / I dream of men with ideas who have not been trapped by their interests. sin palabras... pero con guantes. / speechless... but with gloves. and... What was your face like before you were born? People confuse perception with poetry. el tiempo / time crucifixión, ya podemos adorar / crucifixion, we can now worship cuestión de serenidad / a matter of serenity La insoportable levedad del ser, -Kundera- / The unbearable lightness of being, -Kundera- la estela que dejas... / the trail you leave... tu cuchillo, mi espada... / your knife, my sword... You need to know how to drink and I'm going to explain the method: you never have to drink with a scumbag, you never have to drink when you are sad, you never have to drink little, if you drink, you drink. This allows us to share that small moment of joy with the people we find sympathetic. (Otar Oselianni ). Nepal memoria / memory Deep: -humble in the highest degree. nos atropella la vida / We run over life belleza sin límite / boundless beauty la mano de mi abuelo / Granddad hand´s Why don't whores rule if their children always do? querer irse / if the die they want to leave "Don't mourn the dead.They know what they're doing." (Clarice Lispector). Seguidme, mis valientes!! / Follow me, braves ones!! tristeza nau te fin How much does it cost!/ La mirada eternamente asustada por los humanos / The gaze eternally frightened by humans somos naturaleza / we are nature Not even five Los tres patitos / The three ducklings nunca mejor compañía / never better company Photographers are superficial beings who are enraptured for a moment hay mucha política en cada cuenco de arroz. Decía ese escritor/ There is a lot of politics in every bowl of rice. Said that writer la propiedad y su sentido / property and its meaning I am frightened like a gazelle before the eyes of your hunger, love me silently, and let me ask questions. Maram al-Masri. Persian poet. Myanmar Brotes azules en la ciudad / Blue sprouts in the city nunca nos abandonaremos / we will never abandon each other Would you change your life? -he, suddenly, asked his kitten, who watched and watched behind the window, paralyzed like an Egyptian sphinx. Andalucía la mano de su abuelo / his grandfather's hand hacerlo / just do it la música viene a tu rescate, siempre / music comes to your rescue, one and again El barbero indio / The indian barber What my eyes see my ears deny. What my skin feels, my sense of smell does not share. How calm I am not to take myself seriously! a la suerte le llaman suerte / luck is called luck siempre te aborrecerán / they will always loathe you kler y la primavera / Kler and Spring cada mañana / each morning ilusiones profundas Japón, belleza incontestable / Japan, undeniable beauty ... confundías el título de las canciones, ("Dust in the wind") lo confundías todo! y todo te confundía / ... you confused the title of the songs, ("Dust in the wind") you confused everything! and everything confused you... esperando a que caiga la tarde, como cada tarde / waiting for the evening to fall,Like every evening la ternura y el fin de las cosas... / tenderness and the end of things... el origen del dualismo / The origin of dualism esa inalcanzable sonrisa / that unattainable smile Myanmar Temple (from Latin, templum). m. 2. Fig. Real or imaginary place in which one surrenders or is supposed to worship knowledge, justice, etc. He It is more important, the voice, its tone, than all appearances. estar / be Myanmar. de limpiar el dolor / of pain cleanning si te ruborizas... / if you blush... I am a dead man Paíssssss! / Countrieeeee!* No. no es peste. Es país! (Forges). Niños, siempre niños / Children, always children A guy of sixty, every morning dresses as a priest. He goes, coffee shop after coffee shop and carelessly spills his cup of coffee on someone. One day after the other. One day out of many, a policeman discovers him. "But why do you do that?" -If you were me... la siesta / the nap no sabes mirar / not to know how to look la vida siempre sale, a pesar nuestro / life always comes out, despite us y, cuando todo acabe... qué sentirás? / And, when it's all over... What will you feel?... quién llevará atado a quién... / who will be tied to whom... luz entre el dolor / light among pain Nothing is as it seems but you never remember Benarés We take photos, photos photos and more photos You know? We are not you or me, not me or you. And we only appreciate it once, after crying inconsolably, or when observing children with detachment. menos tú mismo / less yourself "Clavelitos, clavelitos, clavelitos de mi corazón... hay que seguir las leyes, hay que seguir las leyes, gritaba ella fuera de sí / You have to follow the laws, you have to follow the laws, she shouted out of her mind Nada como la discreción. / Nothing like discretion. religión: una creación humana / religion: a human creation. Myanmar buddhist. in Madrid vivo / alive nada más hermoso y perecedero / nothing more beautiful and perishable se hace camino... / the way is made.. alma / small soul, big wings Pero... quién manda flores en la guerra? fotografía y emociones / Photography and emotions la matemática del espacio y luz / The mathematics of space and light Signs and shadows té indio. / indian tea. Barcelona Italy Bradbury corrupción en Miami / corruption in Miami Everything hurts me, does everything hurt to you? Especially my imbecility. How to continue? ... si te preguntas / ... If you're wondering donde realmente estás? / where are you really? La mirada / The look 2 contra 2 / 2 against 2 querías abarcarlo todo / You wanted to hold everything programación / programming sin palabras / set the words aside Si siempre fuera así... / If it were always like this... With each glance you can write a genetic code, a genealogical baobab, a great bouffe. With each glance you can write a genetic code, a genealogical baobab, a great bouffe. And... And... as far as we would go???? historias entrelazadas / Intertwined stories Marraquesh primera y ultima visión / first and last vision "Mi reino por un caballo", o un corzo, una ardilla, una mariposa, un microbio... / "My kingdom for a horse", or a roe deer, a squirrel, a butterfly, a microbe... saludando al día / greeting the day - no seas niño, te decía tu padre, ¿Qué otra cosa puedo ser? / - don't be a child, your father used to say. What else can I be? I'm a shallow guy who likes newspaper headlines, newspaper headlines, and people's gestures. Then, I don't read the article, I don't follow the person... But I keep dreaming, that gesture, that word, that idea... escucharte / listen to your own nature noches y días / nights and days ¡de narices! / what is lost and lost sin miedo al miedo / No fear of fear sin norte / going north without north Don't betray yourself el tema / The theme Sin manos que darte / No hands to give you YIDOSA Websites2024-02-26T16:01:24+00:00 ¡Si te gustó compártela en tus redes! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkCorreo electrónico